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Data center expert

DCIM: an effective, versatile tool for managing data centers

DCIM: an effective, versatile tool for managing data centers

Originally designed for managing and operating IT equipment rooms and IT assets hosted at data centers, data center infrastructure management (DCIM) solutions now incorporate features focused on sustainability, as well as compliance with references, standards, and...

IT rooms: development, renovation, renewal or outsourcing?

IT rooms: development, renovation, renewal or outsourcing?

A growing business, new technologies, improved state of the art, or just aging infrastructures: there are many reasons why companies may be obliged to consider the question of the future of their IT rooms. What scenarios should be envisaged? How should the priorities...

APL Data Center obtains ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications

APL Data Center obtains ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications

APL, a consulting and engineering firm specializing in the design and construction of data centers, announces that it has obtained the ISO 9001 certification for quality management and ISO 14001 certification for environmental performance management. Obtaining this...

Relocating a data center: a checklist of critical elements

Relocating a data center: a checklist of critical elements

Relocating a data center is not something that can be done impromptu. In this article, we provide you with a checklist of critical elements to foresee, plan for, and carry out in advance, during, and after relocating your IT infrastructure at the source and target...

Data center restructuring: a proactive customization project

Data center restructuring: a proactive customization project

Quality service, energy consumption, operating costs… optimising IT room layouts is a truly multidisciplinary art form, especially when it comes to densification and our exponentially growing needs. To achieve the best possible returns in the long run, it also...

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